[Mailman-Users] Creating a list of approved senders

mbonanno mbonanno at sas.upenn.edu
Mon Apr 26 19:16:34 CEST 2004

I want to know if there is an way to create a list of approved senders 
that may be attached to multiple lists.  I  have about 120 lists, and I 
need to allow the 35 or so people in my office to be able to post to any 
of the 120 lists.  The problem is that people come and go in the office 
so I would like a way to create a sort of "umbrella" list that could 
then be placed in the list explicitly approved senders.  Therefore if 
someone left and a new person came to the office I could simply swap the 
names in one place, and have all 120 lists updated.


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