[Mailman-Users] Re: Mailman post from mailman at math.vassar.edu requires approval

Benjamin Lotto lotto at vassar.edu
Thu Jul 1 23:02:06 CEST 2004

On Jul 1, 2004, at 4:43 PM, Dan Phillips wrote:

> Something just occurred to me (I can be pretty slow at times). Have 
> you posed these questions to the OS X server mailing list at 
> http://www.lists.apple.com/mailman/listinfo/macos-x-server/ ? Since I 
> installed MM on 10.2, before Apple started providing it, I've never 
> thought to ask MM questions there, but if this is something related to 
> Apple's version, that should be a good place to start...

Thanks to this very helpful suggestion, I poked around the archives of 
the Apple Mac OS X server list.  Someone there suggested that deleting 
the troublesome config.pck.last files would do the job.  So I tried 
deleting them and ... I got an error!

rm: config.pck.last: Invalid argument

After fiddling around, I discovered the renaming config.pck.last 
allowed me to delete it.

Everything seems to be working fine (for now).

Thanks for all of you who sent me helpful suggestions.


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