[Mailman-Users] administrative problems

Jay Fredlund jayfr at alphathetadelta.com
Thu Jul 8 11:23:33 CEST 2004

I was forced to switch over to Mailman recently and have encountered an issue which is causing some major stress.  I have searched several places and have come up empty-handed.

Our members list is integrated in an Access database and ASP for use on the web.  On our previous listproc server, myself and other  administrators could edit member information and whether they were subscribed to the list.  Upon editing the page, the ASP server sends an e-mail command from the owner subscribing or unsubscribing the user.  Now that I've switched, I can still add/remove the users from my website, but the owner (myself) has to confirm via web interface every time.

I essentially want to know if it is possible to remove the confirmation step if the owner subscribes the address.  However, I still want to be able to confirm subscriptions if the owner did not send the request.

Is this possible?

Any help would be appreciated.


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