[Mailman-Users] list of lists per host?

Brian Cain brian.cain at gmail.com
Wed Sep 1 01:33:03 CEST 2004

On Wed, 1 Sep 2004 01:28:06 +0200, Brad Knowles
<brad at stop.mail-abuse.org> wrote:
> At 6:14 PM -0500 2004-08-31, Brian Cain wrote:
> >  Is there a way to browse a list of lists hosted by this mailman
> >  server?  (Like the MajorCool interface works)
>         If you go to the Mailman admin web interface, you will get a list
> of all public lists that are hosted there.  The private lists won't
> be shown, but knowing the names of the private lists on the system,
> it's not hard to construct the URL that you need to go to in order to
> access the admin web interface for each private list.

Wow.  Guess I should've actually tried that (or at least R'd TFM)
first, huh?  This is exactly what I wanted.  Keep up the good work,


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