[Mailman-Users] Pipermail archives to https

Don McGregor mcgredo at nps.edu
Wed Dec 7 01:34:23 CET 2005

I want to move an existing installation over to an https
server of the same name.

Two questions:

1. I want the existing archives (eg links to attachments in the  
existing pipermail
archives) to point to https rather than http. If I just do a sed
script on archives/public/listname/*.txt to replace occurances
of http://mySiteName with https://mySiteName will that cause the
changes to ripple through to the  html?

2. Is there anything else to be alert for? I've changed the Defaults.py
entries to

Defaults.py:DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN = 'https://%s/mailman/'
Defaults.py:PUBLIC_ARCHIVE_URL = 'https://%(hostname)s/pipermail/% 

so will new entries have the https from the start?

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