[Mailman-Users] Released: Mailman 2.1.7b1

John W. Baxter jwblist at loricamail.com
Fri Dec 30 03:11:44 CET 2005

On 12/29/05 11:11 AM, "Ralf Hildebrandt" <Ralf.Hildebrandt at charite.de>

> * Ralf Hildebrandt <Ralf.Hildebrandt at charite.de>:
>> So I should go for python 2.4?
> I installed python2.4, stopped the queuerunner and linked
> /usr/bin/python2.4 <- /usr/bin/python and restarted the queuerunner.
> The "problem" seems to remain. So, I had a closer look:
> 1) mutt displays the Subject: header OK.
> 2) Postfix still shows:
> warning: header Subject: [webKess] webKess Stations- /
> Abteilungsregistrierung??Elisabeth_KH.1049
> in it's log, as before - but that's normal. When I saved the mail and
> opened in a hex editor, I found the two "?" to be
> 0A (LF) 09 (TAB)
> Mark said:
> "So Mailman has folded a long subject according to RFC 2822 section 2.2.3"
> This section says:
> "The general rule is that wherever this standard allows for folding white
> space (not simply WSP characters), a CRLF may be inserted before any WSP."
> But it's only a LF, not a CR LF -- and the space that used to be in the
> Subject: has been transformed into a TAB character instead. So I'm not
> sure if that's correct folding (even when if mutt displays it correctly!)

Ah.  There is a difference between the line endings on the wire, which the
RFC is discussing, and the line endings on some particular machine.  On the
wire, the <LF><TAB> sequence will (almost certainly) become <CR><LF><TAB>
and then (probably) switch back upon arrival on a Unix machine.  (Or stay as
is on Windows or become <CR><TAB> on Mac OS 9 and below.)

The <line-ending><TAB> sequence is good as it provides the whitespace needed
to make the second part a continuation.

As I recall, there was a mail program involved which didn't like the folded

It appears that Mailman is doing the right thing.  (At least the designed
thing...the <TAB> rather than <space> bothers some, and the current code
uses <space> if a header comes in folded by a space.  That's what the little
dance in CookHeaders.py is working out.  TAB is used if an unfolded Subject:
expands enough due to the prefix being added that it now needs to be


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