[Mailman-Users] Mailman problem

Matthew R Anderson MAnderson at iddx.net
Tue Feb 1 09:33:27 CET 2005

Hey guys-

I don't mean to give you such a tough problem but I really need some expert
help here.  I've moved my mailman install across a few servers and as of
recent it's been exhibiting some strange behavior.

Key Problem - Monthly reminders aren't being sent out to some lists; I have
several configured to do so.  I've checked logs/smtp, logs/smtp-failure, and
logs/error and I can't even see an attempt to mail reminders, let alone any
errors to provide an explanation.  In all other regards, lists seem to be
working wonderfully, and I've really not begun to tackle this problem after
2 months because I've been so blessed.

The one thing I can see that seems to coincide with the trouble is that any
action on these lists isn't being properly logged in logs/smtp.  Whereas I
would properly see something logged like so:

Jan 31 00:47:35 2005 (1192) <mailman.0.1107154053.16170.list at lists.iddx.net>
smtp for 538 recips, completed in 1.197 seconds

...when I see activity on the "questionable" lists, I see this:

Feb 01 02:01:36 2005 (1192) n/a smtp for 22 recips, completed in 2.479

n/a?  :)  I can't seem to locate any explanation for this.  Help!

Furthermore, is there a way to manually generate password reminders?  I'd
like to be able to manually kick out a reminder once I get this all fixed

My configuration of Mailman is v2.1.5, upgraded a few minor revisions after
a more-or-less filewise rsync from the previous host.  It is talking and
receiving mail via some horrible qmail/vpopmail system, and mail is
delivered to the lists via .qmail-list-function aliases in my lists.iddx.net
virtual mail domain.  It works pretty nice, I guess, if it weren't qmail I'd
be happier. :P

Any information you can provide is warmly received and I appreciate the
effort.  Best regards,


Matthew Anderson
Internet Distributed Data Exchange - IDDX.NET

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