[Mailman-Users] Red Hat FHS packaging

Andy Heath cycling at axelrod.plus.com
Wed Jun 15 11:25:25 CEST 2005

Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

>>>>>>"Andy" == Andy Heath <cycling at axelrod.plus.com> writes:
>     Andy> A plea to Redhat - if you are going to purloin mailman and
>     Andy> do it with FHS then a file that accompanies the mailman
>     Andy> distribution that explains how to do a manual build that
>     Andy> conforms to the way RH does it would be very useful
> This service is provided by the RPM spec file distributed in the
> "source RPM" (there's a parallel srpm for every binary rpm).
> Sure, you need to learn to read the spec language, but I wouldn't
> hesitate.  (YMMV, but note: I'm a Debian user, I don't know how to
> read it myself.  I am sure it would be worth it if I found myself in
> your shoes.)
Its customary when you interact with a community to learn
their language not expect them to learn yours.
What you suggest doesn't satisfy the requirement
I stated.


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