[Mailman-Users] extract non-address information fromsubscriberlist?

Mark Sapiro msapiro at value.net
Tue Mar 1 21:21:09 CET 2005

Christopher Adams wrote:

>I am only talking about the information included with the address. I 
>guess it is only names, but I see that some list owners have entered 
>other information using the "whatever information"<email at wherever.com> 
>format. I just need to get the addresses and information, most likely 
>names, connected with the addresses. I have tried the list_member 
>script, the subscriber list from the list information page and the list 
>from the membership management page. The only place the other 
>information shows up is in the Membership Management/Membership List page.

If it is in the member name text box under the members address on the
Membership List page,

bin/listmembers --fullnames

should show it. See

bin/list_members --help

for more info.

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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