[Mailman-Users] Spanish version option page
Mark Sapiro
msapiro at value.net
Tue Mar 8 20:04:53 CET 2005
Aaron Crosman wrote:
>> From: Mark Sapiro [mailto:msapiro at value.net]
>> The first thing to check is the Spanish language template for
>> the page.
>> The base template is templates/es/options.html, but there
>> could also be a site edited template at
>> templates/site/es/options.html or a domain specific edited
>> template at templates/<host-name>/es/options.html or a list
>> specific edited template at lists/<list-name>/es/options.html.
>While this was wonderfully helpful information for other projects that I'm working on, it didn't resolve the issue with the user options page for the Spanish version. Yesterday I downloaded the options.html from the CVS tree and replaced the copy that was there, and restarted mailman, but that didn't help. They are seeing a mix of Python/HTML code in the page. Could there be something wrong in the data for the list that could cause this? I ran check_perms and check_db and neither found anything. Or is there some parsing code that applies only to non-English pages that might be corrupt? The following is an excerpt of the source code seen by the browser:
>Está suscrito a la lista con la dirección <em>{'WidgetArray': <class Mailman.htmlformat.WidgetArray at 0x405be5fc>, 'Errors': <module 'Mailman.Errors' from '/usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/Errors.pyc'>, 'PasswordBox': <class Mailman.htmlformat.PasswordBox at 0x405be44c>, 'DELIVERED_BY': 'mailman.jpg', 'DefinitionList': <class Mailman.htmlformat.DefinitionList at 0x405be6ec>, 'Strikeout': <class Mailman.htmlformat.Strikeout at 0x405be35c>, 'options_page': <function options_page at 0x405eba74>, 'message': '', 'Document': <class Mailman.htmlformat.Document at 0x405be11c>, 'QuotedContainer': <class Mailman.htmlformat.QuotedContainer at 0x405be1ac>, 'replacements': {'<mm-dont-ack-posts-button>': '<input type=radio name="ackposts" value="0" CHECKED>', '<mm-reminder>': '', '<mm-list-langs>': '\n<Select name="language">\n <option value="es" Selected> Espa\xf1ol (Espa\xf1a) </option>\n <option value="en"> Ingl\xe9s (EEUU) </option>\n</Select>', '<mm-list-description>': 'CFOmaquiladoras Lo !
nuevo', '<mm-results>': '<strong><font size="+1"></font></strong>',
I still think it's a template problem. When I search the templates
directory in either 2.1.4 or 2.1.5 for various fragments of the above
text, I get results similar to the following:
[msapiro at msapiro ...mailman-2.1.4/templates]$ grep -r scrito\ a\ la *
es/options.html: está subscrito a la lista de
es/userpass.txt:recuerde la clave con la que está subscrito a la lista
de distri
es/userpass.txt:La dirección con la que está subscrito a la lista es:
[msapiro at msapiro ...mailman-2.1.4/templates]$
grep -r suscrito *
finds nothing in the templates/ directory for 2.1.4, 2.1.5 or 2.1.6b4.
In other words, I can't find anything that correlates with the text in
the above excerpt in any templates.
Are you certain that none of the files
lists/<list-name>/es/options.html or
templates/<host-name>/es/options.html or
exists. If any one or more of these exists, it will take precedence (in
the above order) over the templates/es/options.html template.
Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net> The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan
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