[Mailman-Users] "User unknown in local recipient table" Error

Mark Sapiro msapiro at value.net
Thu Mar 24 00:41:04 CET 2005

Olson, Gary wrote:

> In rereading
><Thanks Dan!>, I checked that data/aliases and data/aliases.db were both
>group writable.  Oddly aliases.db was not but the aliases was.   When I
>changed that to make it group writable all three lists now work.  Odd
>that two lists worked with that setting and the one didn't.

Not really so odd. If you ran bin/newlist as a user who had permission
to write aliases.db (root?), everything could have succeeded even
though newalias might fail when run from the web script.

>strange aspect is that there were no errors logged for this.  The latter
>warrants further investigation.

True. When Mailman/MTA/Postfix.py runs POSTFIX_ALIAS_CMD, it checks the
status (returned by os.system()) and logs any error in the 'error'
log. It's strange that nothing was logged here.

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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