[Mailman-Users] changing domain name in list

Mark Sapiro msapiro at value.net
Wed Jun 7 06:40:14 CEST 2006

ArteryPlanet.Net :: Manuel Kissoyan wrote:

>okie, i moved and almost everything is working ok...now, the current month 
> archives are not showing
>Check the following:
>this is from May, and it showing the messages:
> http://okiebenz.com/pipermail/mercedes_okiebenz.com/2006-May/date.html
>This is from June and is not showing any message:
> http://okiebenz.com/pipermail/mercedes_okiebenz.com/2006-June/date.html
>Any idea how to fis it?

You could probably "fix" June, but it depends on what the issue is.
I.e. what do you see when you go to the June link? Is there an
archives/private/mercedes_okiebenz.com/2006-June directory?, etc.

If this weren't cPanel, I'd say probably the 'best' way to fix it is to
make sure you've moved the
archives/private/mercedes.mbox/mercedes.mbox file and then run
"bin/arch --wipe mercedes" which will rebuild the entire HTML archive
including a few embedded absolute URLs that reference the old host.
Given that it is cPanel, I don't know what names would be 'mercedes'
and what names would be 'mercedes_okiebenz.com' and what other things
might go wrong in that process.

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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