[Mailman-Users] Mail from GioMBG > When I attempt to edit someuserconfiguration I receive Internal Server Error(verystrangerous! only on same user!)

Mark Sapiro msapiro at value.net
Sat Jun 23 07:38:36 CEST 2007

Mark Sapiro wrote:

>Gio MBG Canepa root wrote:
>>I have a strange error only when I attempt to modify some configurations on 
>>some mailman users... I can explane better:
>>If I go here:
>>I can edit the user alkemy AT mbg.it
>>but if I go here:
>>NB] The alkexkenji user esist and is active like the first user alkemy!
>>I have this error when I click on the link of the user and at the same the 
>>user have the same kind of error when attemp to modify Yours mailman 
>>configuration by self... 
>There is some corrupt data or other problem associated with the
>alexkenji--at--alexkenji.com user.

I still think this is correct, but

>There will be detailed error information in Mailman's 'error' log for
>these errors. This is the information we need to diagnose this problem.

I misunderstood the error (I was thinking it was Mailman's 'we hit a
bug' message, but it's not). There may or may not be anything in
Mailman's error log about this. I still think it's likely, but not

There will also probably be something in the apache error_log. It may
or may not be more informative than "premature end of script headers".

Mark Sapiro <msapiro at value.net>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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