[Mailman-Users] Mailman Daemon RunLevel Question

Jacques Dailey jacques at jpdailey.com
Wed Nov 21 17:30:05 CET 2007


I have Mailman configured on my SuSE 10.1 system, using the Postfix MTA 
and ASSP (Anti Spam SMTP Proxy) on the front end.  So far everything is 
running great!  Most recently, I started looking at how/when the 
individual apps started up and shut down, as I've had a couple of 
unplanned bounces that shut down email for a bit.  ASSP is now 
configured to start at runlevel 5, right after Postfix.

My question: I see a startup/shutdown script for Mailman in rc.d, but it 
doesn't seem to be linked to any particular runlevel (running Mailman 
2.1).  How/where is the Mailmanctl daemon launched, and what are the 
dependencies?  I'm assuming the MTA and ASSP should be up and running 
first, along with Apache.  Correct?



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