[Mailman-Users] can't get "open" list to work

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Sat Apr 12 18:08:23 CEST 2008

bergenpeak at comcast.net wrote:
>All of the tests below where based on a user sending a mail with "subscribe" to the mail distro list-xyz at domain.com.  If I instead have the user send the subscribe message to list-xyz-request at domain.com, they get added to the distro without confirmation or approver interaction. 
>Ok, that's the behavior that I want but are the two different behaviors expected?   Specifically, the "open" list mechanism only operates as "open" if you send mail to the "-request" list?  
>It looks when messages are sent to the main list (with subscribe as subject), they are correctly being identifed as admin in nature, but flagged for approval whereas the list is defined as open for subscriptions.

Subscription requests are sent to the list-xyz-request (or
list-xyz-join or list-xyz-subscribe) address. Posts to the list
members are sent to the list-xyz address.

If something that looks like a 'request' is sent to the list posting
address, and the General Options administrivia setting is set to Yes,
that message is held for approval as a post, not as a request, so a
human can decide if it is a misdirected request or a valid post that
just happens to look like a request.

In no case is a request sent to the list posting address automatically
processed as a request.

Consider a list post about subscribing with subject 'Subscribe'. Do we
treat this as a subscribe request or as a post to the list? We don't
know, so we hold it for a human to review.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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