[Mailman-Users] Again on HTML emails

Giulio Troccoli giulio at troccoli.it
Thu Apr 17 12:04:53 CEST 2008

On Gio, 17 Aprile 2008 1:56 am, Cyndi Norwitz wrote:
>    Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 15:54:27 +0100 (BST)
>    From: "Giulio Troccoli" <giulio at troccoli.it>
>    I need to send HTML email, or better I need to be able to do so. I've
> read
>    a lot of posts that say how to prevent HTML emails to be sent, but I
> can't
>    seem to be able to set mailman to accept them.
> You've gotten some technical responses, so I will just chime in with my
> fellow-user one.  I do not have any of the content filters on and HTML
> posts come through my list with zero problems.  I do get that "attachment
> was scrubbed" bizzareness which is just the footer.  But the body of the
> message is fine and all the HTML markup is intact.
> My suggestion to you is to set up a test list on your system.  Hopefully
> you're not somewhere where you have to pay per list.  But if you're
> running
> MM on your server or you are at an ISP that lets you have multiple lists,
> set up one that only you are on (or ask some people from your list to be
> testers and join it).
> Start with the list defaults (you can change membership settings and stuff
> like that) and send your HTML post.  See if it comes through okay.  If it
> doesn't, then there is a problem with the MM installation or mailer
> software on your server.  If it does, then make changes to content filters
> one at a time to see where the problem starts.  I'm assuming that is what
> is wrong; maybe it is something else.
> Cyndi

Thanks Cyndi, that is what I did. However, the problem, as Brad Knowles
suggested, was that I wasn't sending proper HTML formatted emails. I have
tried with Outlook and everything works fine (apart from the footer but I
know there is a FAQ for that).

Now my problem is how do I send proper HTML formatted emails with a
script? If anybody is willing to help me with that please email me, I
don't want to spam the list with OT emails.


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