[Mailman-Users] installing mailman and sendmail

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Wed Apr 30 18:53:43 CEST 2008

Shams Fantar wrote:
>I'm installing mailman, I created the first mailing list[1], it works
>fine. So, it's possible to subcribe to the list, that works, but it
>isn't possible to send mails to the mailing list. It's a probleme with
>sendmail, I'm reading the documentation of mailman[2], but the output of
>the command "grep smrsh /etc/mail/sendmail.cf" is empty (sendmail is
>installed). Do you have any ideas? And when I send a mail to the list, I
>see nothing in log... In conclusion, mailman nearly works, there is
>"just" a problem with sendmail.
>[1] : http://lists.sce.snurf.info/listinfo/sce-project
>[2] : http://www.list.org/mailman-install/node32.html

What's in sendmail's logs for the message to the Mailman list?

Is Mailman running?

Are the messages getting to Mailman's qfiles/in/ queue?


Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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