[Mailman-Users] Messages just began to be shunted, can't figure out why.

Gary Goldberg og at digimark.net
Mon Aug 18 20:17:13 CEST 2008

Thank you for the reply. I do regularly use yum to apply CentOS patches to the
server, and that could be a source, although after looking at the yum.log, I couldn't say
which patch might be a source of the problem. Here's the yum log back to the prior
reboot though...

Mar 23 13:07:44 Updated: krb5-devel 1.2.7-68.i386
Mar 23 13:07:44 Updated: netpbm 9.24-11.30.5.i386
Mar 23 13:07:44 Updated: tzdata 2007k-2.el3.noarch
Mar 23 13:07:44 Updated: krb5-libs 1.2.7-68.i386
Jun 01 09:27:43 Installed: kernel-smp 2.4.21-57.EL.i686
Jun 01 09:27:43 Installed: kernel 2.4.21-57.EL.i686
Jun 01 09:27:43 Updated: libxslt 1.0.33-6.i386
Jun 01 09:27:43 Updated: tzdata 2008b-3.el3.noarch
Jun 18 22:41:31 Updated: XFree86-libs-data 4.3.0-128.EL.i386
Jun 18 22:41:31 Updated: perl 2:5.8.0-98.EL3.i386
Jun 18 22:41:31 Updated: perl-CGI 2:2.89-98.EL3.i386
Jun 18 22:41:31 Updated: XFree86-Mesa-libGL 4.3.0-128.EL.i386
Jun 18 22:41:31 Updated: XFree86-libs 4.3.0-128.EL.i386
Jun 27 11:18:14 Updated: freetype 2.1.4-10.el3.i386
Jul 11 21:16:12 Updated: bind 20:9.2.4-22.el3.i386
Jul 11 21:16:12 Updated: bind-utils 20:9.2.4-22.el3.i386
Jul 11 21:16:12 Updated: bind-libs 20:9.2.4-22.el3.i386
Aug 01 17:02:36 Updated: vsftpd 1.2.1-3E.16.i386
Aug 17 19:53:30 Updated: pam_krb5 1.81-1.i386
Aug 17 19:54:23 Installed: python-devel 2.2.3-6.8.i386
Aug 17 19:54:23 Installed: python-tools 2.2.3-6.8.i386
Aug 17 19:54:23 Dep Installed: tix 1:8.1.4-92.8.i386
Aug 17 19:54:23 Dep Installed: tkinter 2.2.3-6.8.i386
Aug 17 19:54:23 Dep Installed: tcl 8.3.5-92.8.i386
Aug 17 19:54:23 Dep Installed: tk 8.3.5-92.8.i386
Aug 17 19:54:23 Dep Installed: itcl 3.2-92.8.i386

I uninstalled and reinstalled python yesterday, in case that was a source of
problems, and I added the python-devel and python-tools just in case (which
required tcl/tk).

I sent a test message and it got shunted again. Here's the output of the dumpdb
for the config.pck of the list (except for the email addresses blanked) and
also the same command on one of the message pck's.


[----- start pickle file -----]
<----- start object 1 ----->
{   'accept_these_nonmembers': [],
     'acceptable_aliases': '\n',
     'admin_immed_notify': 1,
     'admin_member_chunksize': 30,
     'admin_notify_mchanges': 0,
     'admin_responses': {},
     'administrivia': 1,
     'advertised': 1,
     'anonymous_list': 0,
     'archive': 1,
     'archive_private': 1,
     'archive_volume_frequency': 0,
     'autorespond_admin': 0,
     'autorespond_postings': 0,
     'autorespond_requests': 0,
     'autoresponse_admin_text': '',
     'autoresponse_graceperiod': 90,
     'autoresponse_postings_text': '',
     'autoresponse_request_text': '',
     'available_languages': ['en'],
     'ban_list': [],
     'bounce_info': {},
     'bounce_info_stale_after': 604800,
     'bounce_matching_headers': "\n# Lines that *start* with a '#' are comments.\nto: friend at public.com\nmessage-id: relay.comanche.denmark.eu\nfrom: list at listme.com\nfrom: .*@uplinkpro.com\n",
     'bounce_notify_owner_on_disable': 1,
     'bounce_notify_owner_on_removal': 1,
     'bounce_processing': 1,
     'bounce_score_threshold': 5.0,
     'bounce_unrecognized_goes_to_list_owner': 0,
     'bounce_you_are_disabled_warnings': 3,
     'bounce_you_are_disabled_warnings_interval': 604800,
     'collapse_alternatives': 1,
     'convert_html_to_plaintext': 1,
     'created_at': 1208394218.818414,
     'data_version': 97,
     'default_member_moderation': 0,
     'delivery_status': {},
     'description': 'Cub Scout Pack #1559 Leaders',
     'digest_footer': '_______________________________________________\r\n%(real_name)s mailing list\r\n%(real_name)s@%(host_name)s\r\n%(web_page_url)slistinfo%(cgiext)s/%(_internal_name)s\r\n',
     'digest_header': '',
     'digest_is_default': 0,
     'digest_last_sent_at': 0,
     'digest_members': {},
     'digest_send_periodic': 1,
     'digest_size_threshhold': 500,
     'digest_volume_frequency': 0,
     'digestable': 0,
     'discard_these_nonmembers': [],
     'emergency': 0,
     'encode_ascii_prefixes': 0,
     'filter_action': 0,
     'filter_content': 0,
     'filter_filename_extensions': [   'exe',
     'filter_mime_types': [],
     'first_strip_reply_to': 1,
     'forward_auto_discards': 0,
     'gateway_to_mail': 0,
     'gateway_to_news': 0,
     'generic_nonmember_action': 3,
     'goodbye_msg': '',
     'header_filter_rules': [],
     'hold_and_cmd_autoresponses': {},
     'hold_these_nonmembers': [],
     'host_name': 'lists.pack1559.org',
     'include_list_post_header': 1,
     'include_rfc2369_headers': 1,
     'info': '',
     'language': {   'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX7YX': 'en',
                     'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX': 'en',
                     'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX': 'en',
                     'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX': 'en',
                     'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX': 'en',
                     'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX': 'en',
                     'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX': 'en'},
     'last_post_time': 1218819204.2599239,
     'linked_newsgroup': '',
     'max_days_to_hold': 0,
     'max_message_size': 10240,
     'max_num_recipients': 10,
     'member_moderation_action': 0,
     'member_moderation_notice': '',
     'members': {   'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX': 0,
                    'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX': 0,
                    'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX': 0,
                    'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX': 0,
                    'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX': 0,
                    'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX': 0,
                    'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX': 0},
     'mime_is_default_digest': 0,
     'mod_password': None,
     'moderator': [],
     'msg_footer': '_______________________________________________\n%(real_name)s mailing list\n%(real_name)s@%(host_name)s\n%(web_page_url)slistinfo%(cgiext)s/%(_internal_name)s\n',
     'msg_header': '',
     'new_member_options': 256,
     'news_moderation': 0,
     'news_prefix_subject_too': 1,
     'next_digest_number': 1,
     'next_post_number': 1,
     'next_request_id': 1,
     'nntp_host': '',
     'nondigestable': 1,
     'nonmember_rejection_notice': '',
     'obscure_addresses': 1,
     'one_last_digest': {},
     'owner': ['og at digimark.net'],
     'pass_filename_extensions': [],
     'pass_mime_types': [   'multipart/mixed',
     'password': '7db8fa373ffa8486d874ca346459da52d5c9a7b4',
     'passwords': { BLANKED },
     'personalize': 0,
     'post_id': 29.0,
     'postings_responses': {},
     'preferred_language': 'en',
     'private_roster': 1,
     'real_name': 'packleaders-l',
     'regular_exclude_lists': [],
     'regular_include_lists': [],
     'reject_these_nonmembers': [],
     'reply_goes_to_list': 1,
     'reply_to_address': '',
     'request_responses': {},
     'require_explicit_destination': 1,
     'respond_to_post_requests': 1,
     'scrub_nondigest': 0,
     'send_goodbye_msg': 0,
     'send_reminders': 0,
     'send_welcome_msg': 0,
     'subject_prefix': u'[packleaders-l] ',
     'subscribe_policy': 2,
     'topics': [],
     'topics_bodylines_limit': 5,
     'topics_enabled': 0,
     'topics_userinterest': {},
     'umbrella_list': 0,
     'umbrella_member_suffix': '-owner',
     'unsubscribe_policy': 1,
     'user_options': {   'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX': 264,
                         'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX': 264,
                         'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX': 264,
                         'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX': 264,
                         'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX': 264,
                         'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX': 264,
                         'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX': 264},
     'usernames': {   BLANKED },
     'useropts_version': 1,
     'volume': 1,
     'web_page_url': 'http://lists.pack1559.org/mailman/',
     'welcome_msg': ''}
[----- end pickle file -----]


-- "Gentleman, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room." -President Muffley
Gary Goldberg KA3ZYW <og at digimark.net> V:301/249-6501 F:301/390-1955 AIM:OgGreeb
Digital Marketing/Bowie MD/Internet Systems & Networks <http://www.digimark.net/>

On Mon, 18 Aug 2008, Mark Sapiro wrote:

> Gary Goldberg wrote:
>> Hello. I've had a long running Mailman installation with about a dozen lists
>> spread over four domain names on a Dell PowerEdge with 3GB RAM running CentOS
>> 3.9 (fully patched). We're using the non-default Sendmail 8.14.1. I've upgraded
>> to 2.1.11 in June and everything was working fine/clean until last Friday
>> night.  We had a problem with our SpamAssassin subsystem dropping offline for a
>> few hours, and we rebooted the machine to reset everything.
> Sometime people make changes (or yum updates) that are not effective
> until a reboot or service restart but don't reboot or restart. Then
> later, a reboot is done for some reason and no one remembers what was
> changed that now causes a problem.
>> Since then, messages I attempt to post to a Cub Scout list hosted in Mailman
>> have been shunted. Unshunting them just requeues them again. This is the error
>> message text I'm getting:
>> -----------------
>> Aug 18 11:19:54 2008 (14837) Uncaught runner exception: recips
>> Aug 18 11:19:54 2008 (14837) Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "/home/digimark/www-mailman/Mailman/Queue/Runner.py", line 120, in _oneloop >>     self._onefile(msg, msgdata)
>>   File "/home/digimark/www-mailman/Mailman/Queue/Runner.py", line 191, in _onefile
>>     keepqueued = self._dispose(mlist, msg, msgdata)
>>   File "/home/digimark/www-mailman/Mailman/Queue/IncomingRunner.py", line 130, in _dispose
>>     more = self._dopipeline(mlist, msg, msgdata, pipeline)
>>   File "/home/digimark/www-mailman/Mailman/Queue/IncomingRunner.py", line 153, in _dopipeline
>>     sys.modules[modname].process(mlist, msg, msgdata)
>>   File "/home/digimark/www-mailman/Mailman/Handlers/AvoidDuplicates.py", line 39, in process
>>     recips = msgdata['recips']
>> KeyError: recips
>> Aug 18 11:19:54 2008 (14837) SHUNTING: 1219015598.1364529+cd4fcf44c07ffa9b1b0bfa53882233f59121be5f
> <snip>
>> -----------------
> When the message gets to the AvoidDuplicates handler, it has no
> recipient list in the message metadata. In the normal pipeline,
> AvoidDuplicates is immediately preceded by CalcRecips which ensures
> there is a 'recips' list (possibly empty). Apparently, that isn't
> happening with this list.
> Do other lists work?
> The timestamps on the tracebacks (including those I snipped) are all
> the same indicating that these are probably from an unshunt. These
> messages can never be successfully unshunted because the pipeline in
> the metadata of the shunted message starts with AvoidDuplicates, but
> the metadata has no 'recips' list, so even after fixing the underlying
> problem, you won't be able to simply unshunt these messages. Anyway,
> is the traceback from an initial post the same?
> So, what is the traceback from an initial post? If it is the same, and
> other lists work, do 'bin/dumpdb
> lists/<cub_scout_listname>/config.pck' and see if the output has a
> 'pipeline' attribute and if so, does it have CalcRecips preceding
> AvoidDuplicates?
> --
> Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
> San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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