[Mailman-Users] Mailman Archives page not updating

Anthony Human anthuman at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 25 14:35:44 CET 2008


I'm relatively new to mailman. I've searched the mailman lists and tried to find a solution to my issue
but nothing.
Has anyone encountered the below issue and could offer some help.

I recently moved mailman from one server to another.I tarred up the old archives and moved 
them to the new server, and simply untarred them into:


The system has been running for a few months now and I have noticed that the archives 
list doesn't show anything past the month when I moved over to the new server.
When I log onto the server, I can see the messages in .txt files for the following months after the move.
However, when I vi the index.html it looks the same as the site i.e. no months following the server move.
Is there a command I can run to update the archives webpage? Ideally I would like the archives webpage to update
automatically again.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

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