[Mailman-Users] Feature Request: Selective Mass Subscription

Brad Knowles brad at python.org
Tue Jun 24 21:29:30 CEST 2008

Cyndi Norwitz wrote:

> Please let me know if I should post this elsewhere too.

This is kind of an edge case.  You're getting close to territory that would 
probably be better handled over on the mailman-developers list, although 
you're not really discussing any particular specific code changes that 
you've come up with.

If nothing else, I know a lot of Mailman developers are on that list 
exclusively, and there are only a few developers on this list.

I don't see a problem with having this discussion continue on the 
mailman-users list for now (at least you'll get the opportunity for some 
feedback from other mailman list/site admins who are not on the 
mailman-developers list), but if you get deeper into the development issues 
then you will probably want to consider moving the discussion to the other list.

I'll leave that decision to you, as to whether or not you want to focus on 
involving more Mailman developers in the discussion, or if you want to focus 
on involving more list/site admins.

Brad Knowles <brad at python.org>
Member of the Python.org Postmaster Team & Co-Moderator of the
mailman-users and mailman-developers mailing lists

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