[Mailman-Users] exim testing error

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Mon Jun 30 05:25:25 CEST 2008

Vidiot wrote:

>Mark Sapiro responded:
>>and the reference to
>>    domains = +mm_domains
>>in the router definition. This is alluded to much more subtly in sec
>>6.2.1 of the manual.
>Section 6.2.1 doesn't exist.


>I get the following error when I try and test:
>/usr/exim/bin/exim -bt testlist-users
>2008-06-29 20:53:47 Exim configuration error in line 563 of /usr/exim/configure:
> option setting expected: {eq{$sender_host_address}{::1}}}{yes}{no}}
>It didn't complain about this line:
>  condition = ${if or{{eq{$sender_host_address}{}}
>So, I'm guessing it isn't complaining about $sender_host_address, instead
>it is complaining about the {::1} part.

>  condition = ${if or{{eq{$sender_host_address}{}}
>                      {eq{$sender_host_address}{::1}}}{yes}{no}}

I'm not sure what it's complaining about, but were getting a bit off
topic for Mailman.  That said, unless you're actually using IPv6, try
replacing the above with

  condition = ${if {eq{$sender_host_address}{}}{yes}{no}}

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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