[Mailman-Users] AOL Redacting
Brad Knowles
brad at shub-internet.org
Fri Sep 19 20:52:19 CEST 2008
Lloyd Tennison wrote:
> Has anyone written a script that can take the emails from AOL with the
> redacted address and have it find the correct email address in the maillog?
> There was a thread that talked about it, but I do not see that anyone did
> it.
My employer is large enough that we actually have a designated contact at
AOL. When we recently discussed our displeasure with all the information
they were redacting, we were told that they do not currently redact any
"Delivered To: user at example.com" information that is recorded in any
footers, so that would be one potential thing you could enable.
Of course, that doesn't help for those sites who aren't running mailing
lists, but instead have local users who forward their e-mail to AOL. And
that doesn't help anyone who is running mailing lists but cannot (for
whatever reason) enable personalization and VERP, including personalization
of footers that are attached to e-mail messages.
We were pointed to the tools at
<http://wordtothewise.com/resources/arfrecipient.html>, but that is
apparently as far as they are willing to go.
Personally, I'm about ready to get together with a few other people and
rewrite the RFC describing the ARF format, and update it such that you
cannot possibly be compliant with the 2.0 format if you redact any
information whatsoever. Then the entire Internet can beat the holy living
crap out of them for not being 2.0 format compliant.
And I say this as the former Sr. Internet Administrator for AOL.
Brad Knowles <brad at shub-internet.org>
LinkedIn Profile: <http://tinyurl.com/y8kpxu>
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