[Mailman-Users] New crontab query: senddigests

Savoy, Jim savoy at uleth.ca
Wed Mar 4 19:46:58 CET 2009

>Mark Sapiro wrote:

Thanks for the MAILTO info.


>su mailman

Boom. That worked. All (but 3) of the 501 digest.mboxes are gone
now and I got a delivery from the list I am a digest member of.
It ran rather quickly too (1 minute flat).

If/when we resolve this, I guess I'll have to start a new thread on
why those 3 didn't go away.  :-)

So obviously, this has something to do with this being run from cron.
You would think all of it would fail though (the checkdbs stuff runs
fine from cron).

>It probably won't be any different, but it's worth a try. If it does
nothing, what is the contents of the cron/senddigests script. There
appears to be something wrong with it. You could compare it to
to see if you have any modifications.

These were identical.

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