[Mailman-Users] mailman + apache2

Wolfgang Bock mailinglisten at wbock.de
Thu May 7 00:13:25 CEST 2009


I am getting confused with configurating mailman + apache2 with

With the command "newlist mailman at domain.de" the list "mailman" will be
build and I am getting a mail to listmaster at domain.de confirming the new
established list.

Calling the mentoned link in this mail:
http://domain.de/mailman/admin/mailman the result is "The requested URL
/mailman/admin/mailman was not found on this server."

My second problem is: if I am creating another new list, the web-form opens
at www.otherdomain.de/mailman/create. But it should bei opended at
http://otherdomain.de/mailman/create, as defined in mm_cfg.py 

Filling the form results to "unknown virtual host: www.otherdomain.de

Attemting again step by step, everything seems to be ok. Calling
www.otherdomain.de leads to the correct apache-directory and calling
http://otherdomain.de leads to the default-website.

Something remains misconfigured but I don't know why and where.

Any ideas? Can anyone help?



> wolfgang bock
> wolfgang.bock at wbock.de
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