[Mailman-Users] Problem with mailman install

LuKreme kremels at kreme.com
Mon May 18 07:09:03 CEST 2009

On 17-May-2009, at 19:29, Mark Sapiro wrote:
>>   status 4: "/usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman post listname". Command
>> output:
>>   No such file or directory
> status 4 means the execve that runs python returned. The "no such file
> or directory" can refer to either /usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman or
> to the path to Python that the mail wrapper is using.

Very odd, the path was there, the executable was there, permissions  
where right, and python appeared to be running. I certainly didn't do  
anything to change python's settings either before or after.

> See the FAQ at <http://wiki.list.org/x/tYA9> to understand more about
> this error.

My confusion about the error is that mailman has ALWAYS been setu for  
uid/gid mailman, and has been for years and years.

> If you have a file named last_mailman_version in Mailman's data/
> directory, it probably has contents
> 0x2010bf0
> If so, change the contents to
> 0x20109f0

That file has the right info, it's just the ports DB that is off since  
I replaced the install from backups 'behind its back'.

What are you, Ghouls? There are no dead students here. This week.

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