[Mailman-Users] Please don't make me go to FAQ or lsit serv!!!

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Thu Feb 25 02:02:46 CET 2010

Gail Nunziata wrote:

>I hope someone can work with me directly, thank you.

I am going to refer you to the FAQ because your question is answered
there in detail in the article at <http://wiki.list.org/x/3YA9>.

Please read that, and then if you have specific questions about
anything you don't understand, post them here and someone will answer.

>Yesterday I sent out an email to one of my lists, and someone replied,
>thinking it would just go to me, but it went to the whole group.  The whole
>group then got embroiled in replies, comments, more replies, etc.  All of
>this paralyzed my email, and I wasn't able to tell them to just stop.  There
>are 622 on the list and when I tried to write to even one person, I rec'd an
>error message that I had exceeded the 750 per hour.  Now a certain amount of
>them want to be unsubscribed, which is fine, but I need to make sure this
>doesn't happen again.

The first think you do when something like this breaks out is you go to
the admin General Options page and scroll down to

Additional settings
Emergency moderation of all list traffic.

and set that to Yes.

That stops the flood. Then you go to the "Tend to pending moderator
requests" page and discard all the held messages.

Finally, you read the above referenced FAQ article and set up your list
so members can't post.
Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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