[Mailman-Users] unsubscribing addresses from domain in one fellswoop?

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Wed Jan 6 03:29:35 CET 2010

At 07:25 PM 1/4/2010, Mark Sapiro wrote:
>Christopher Adams wrote:
> >A spammer has subscribed completely unique addresses from the same domain to
> >many of the mailing lists that we host. Is there a way to unsubscribe
> >everything from this domain without writing a script that will do it?

Would that domain be "zeusmail.org."  I have had a similar occurrence 
-- and don't know why -- have seen nothing bad from it, but got 
unique subscriptions to over 100 lists from a zeusmail.org 
domain.  Since all my lists deal with a specialized topic (blindness) 
it is unlikely that 100 or more individuals were interested from the 
same domain -- but I have seen nothing bad happen yet -- just suspicious.


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