[Mailman-Users] quote-trimming handler

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Mon Jul 5 20:43:22 CEST 2010

Rob Lingelbach wrote:
>the specific recipe for rejecting a message with overquoting was this one below.  The weighting of quoted versus non-quoted lines, represented by the numbers 20 and -10, was arrived at by trial and error, and as I recall, was fairly lenient toward quoting so as not to make too many subscribers complain.  Looks like I was pedantic enough in text of the rejection message.  Also, today the quoting is done with some form of rich text at times, is it not?
>-----cut here----
># mine (rob <a> colorist.org , 1998)
>:0 hBHw
>*  20^1 ^>
>* -10^1 ^[^>]

The attached Quoting.py is a handler which could be installed per the
FAQ at <http://wiki.list.org/x/l4A9> to do essentially what it says in
its docstring.

If I understand your procmail conditions , they would correspond
roughly to RATIO = 0.5 in the attached, i.e. quoted lines >= 0.5 *
unquoted lines, but not exactly because yours includes the message
headers which presumably would all be unquoted.

Also, the attached handler holds the message rather than rejects it,
although it could easily be changed to reject.

A proper implementation would make this hold/reject/discard decision a
list setting as well as making the ratio and the regexp for a quoted
line list settings too.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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