[Mailman-Users] How to install Mailman 2.1.13 on Debian Lenny

Ulf Dunkel dunkel at calamus.net
Sun Mar 28 12:04:43 CEST 2010

Hi Stefan.

On 27.03.2010 03:44, Stefan Foerster wrote:
> * Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>:
>>> Ulf Dunkel wrote:
>>>> They asked me to install Mailman v2.1.13 "manually" because this doesn't 
>>>> seem to be possible with apt-get right now.
>>>> Because I have not installed a single app myself without the help of the 
>>>> package manager aptitude, I am kind of stuck.
>>>> Can you give me a little howto?
> [...]
>> You might also look at other Debian patches at
>> <http://patch-tracker.debian.org/package/mailman>. In particular,
>> those Defaults.py.in patches in "01_defaults.debian.patch" are things
>> you probably want in mm_cfg.py to keep doing things the Debian way.
> I backported 2.1.13 to stable, pending upload at
> http://debian.incertum.net/ within the next ten minutes.

Your backport helped me to easily install Mailman 2.1.13.

Well, now I'm still stuck with iso-8859-1 encoded interface pages, but 
that will have to wait until tomorrow. SUNDAY break. ;-)


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