[Mailman-Users] List on a different domain name?

Chris Arnold carnold at electrichendrix.com
Sat Jan 8 04:21:26 CET 2011

CA put forth:

>>Here is the mm_cfg.py config:
>># Put YOUR site-specific settings below this line.
>>DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN = 'http://%s/mailman/'
>>DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = 'mail.domain.com'
>>DEFAULT_URL_HOST = 'web.domain.com'
>>MTA = 'Postfix'
>>POSTFIX_ALIAS_CMD = '/usr/sbin/postalias'
>>POSTFIX_MAP_CMD = '/usr/sbin/postmap'
>>SMTPHOST = 'localhost'
>>SMTPPORT = '25'
>>#IMAGE_LOGOS = '/mailmanicons/'
>>add_virtualhost('web.domain.com', 'mail.domain.com')

>This duplicates the preceding add_virtualhost() because the literal
>domain names are the same as the values of DEFAULT_URL_HOST and

>POSTFIX_STYLE_VIRTUAL_DOMAINS = ['lists.domain.com']

>If some lists are in the 'lists.domain.com' domain, there should be

>add_virtualhost('someotherweb.domain.com', 'lists.domain.com')

>If all lists are in the 'lists.domain.com' domain, you should have
We have 2 domains that i want to use with mailman, firstdomain.com and seconddomain.net. Should i have lists.firstdomain.com and lists.seconddomain.net?

>DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = 'lists.domain.com'
New section of mm_cfg:
# Put YOUR site-specific settings below this line.
DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN = 'http://%s/mailman/'
DEFAULT_NNTP_HOST = 'web.domain.com'
DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = 'web.domain.com'
DEFAULT_URL_HOST = 'web.domain.com'
MTA = 'Postfix'
POSTFIX_ALIAS_CMD = '/usr/sbin/postalias'
POSTFIX_MAP_CMD = '/usr/sbin/postmap'
SMTPHOST = 'localhost'
#IMAGE_LOGOS = '/mailmanicons/'
#add_virtualhost('web.domain.com', 'lists.domian.com')
POSTFIX_STYLE_VIRTUAL_DOMAINS = ['lists.domain.net']

>>I can not get to http://domain.com/mailman/admin.

>Is there a Mailman ScriptAlias that applies to the 'domain.com' domain?
Here is said section:
<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerAdmin administrator at domain.com
    ServerName domain.com
    ServerAlias domain.com

    # DocumentRoot: The directory out of which you will serve your
    # documents. By default, all requests are taken from this directory, but
    # symbolic links and aliases may be used to point to other locations.
    DocumentRoot /srv/www/htdocs/sites/MTwG

    # if not specified, the global error log is used
    ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/MTwG-error_log
    CustomLog /var/log/apache2/MTwG-access_log combined

    # don't loose time with IP address lookups
    HostnameLookups Off

    # needed for named virtual hosts
    UseCanonicalName Off

    # configures the footer on server-generated documents
    ServerSignature On

    # Optionally, include *.conf files from /etc/apache2/conf.d/
    # For example, to allow execution of PHP scripts:
    # Include /etc/apache2/conf.d/mod_php4.conf
    # or, to include all configuration snippets added by packages:
    # Include /etc/apache2/conf.d/*.conf

    # ScriptAlias: This controls which directories contain server scripts.
    # ScriptAliases are essentially the same as Aliases, except that
    # documents in the realname directory are treated as applications and
    # run by the server when requested rather than as documents sent to the client.
    # The same rules about trailing "/" apply to ScriptAlias directives as to
    # Alias.
    ScriptAlias /mailman/ "/usr/lib/mailman/cgi-bin/"

    # "/srv/www/cgi-bin" should be changed to whatever your ScriptAliased
    # CGI directory exists, if you have one, and where ScriptAlias points to.
    <Directory "/usr/lib/mailman/cgi-bin/">
	AllowOverride None
	Options +ExecCGI -Includes
	Order allow,deny
	Allow from all

    # UserDir: The name of the directory that is appended onto a user's home
    # directory if a ~user request is received.
    # To disable it, simply remove userdir from the list of modules in APACHE_MODULES
    # in /etc/sysconfig/apache2.
    <IfModule mod_userdir.c>
	# Note that the name of the user directory ("public_html") cannot simply be
	# changed here, since it is a compile time setting. The apache package
	# would have to be rebuilt. You could work around by deleting
	# /usr/sbin/suexec, but then all scripts from the directories would be
	# executed with the UID of the webserver.
	UserDir public_html
	# The actual configuration of the directory is in
	# /etc/apache2/mod_userdir.conf.
	Include /etc/apache2/mod_userdir.conf
	# You can, however, change the ~ if you find it awkward, by mapping e.g.
	# http://www.example.com/users/karl-heinz/ --> /home/karl-heinz/public_html/
	#AliasMatch ^/users/([a-zA-Z0-9-_.]*)/?(.*) /home/$1/public_html/$2

    # This should be changed to whatever you set DocumentRoot to.
    <Directory "/srv/www/htdocs/sites/MTwG">    
	# Controls who can get stuff from this server.
	Order allow,deny
	Allow from all


>Can you get to http://web.domain.com/mailman/admin ?
No. Or lists.domain.com/mailman/admin, ip/mailman/admin

>>Mailmanctl restart gives me bash: command not found.
Brain fart and got it restarted. When restarting mailman, i get this:
Starting mailman (Warning: the Apache2 webinterface for Mailman has not been activated!)
I googled this and found old results from 2005 and older. The "fixes" don't seem to pertain to up-to-date mailman

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