[Mailman-Users] Two questions

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Wed Dec 12 18:38:09 CET 2012

John Oliver wrote:

>1) How do I create different "list creator" passwords for multiple
>virtualhosts?  For example, www.domaina.com and www.domainb.com can have
>different lists... I want to have different passwords so someone who can
>admin one cannot admin the other

This would require running a separate Mailman instance for each host.
There is only one list creator password per Mailman instance.

>2) How do I "link" dissimilar domains?  For example, if I have
>domain.com, domain.net, and myawesomedomain.org and all three URLs lead
>to the same site, so the lists for one site should show up under the
>others, be administered the same way, etc.



in mm_cfg.py. See the documentation in the

# Virtual domains

section in Defaults.py. However, this may not be what you want as it
will "link" all domains in that Mailman instance, not just some.

It seems you may want a separate Mailman instance for each set of
related domains.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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