[Mailman-Users] inn gateway

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Sat Mar 31 21:15:47 CEST 2012

jdd wrote:
>If somebody try to answer _from the list_, the "to" field of the 
>answer have _two_ values, one for the mailing list, the other for the 
>newsgroup. This second one is unusefull and thunderbird do not like it 
>and one have to remoive it by hand to send the answer.
>below the headers of a mail read on the mailing list and send from the 
>is there something I can do to remove the "Newsgroups: linux-31" in 

You can do this a couple of ways in Mailman. The recommended way is a
custom handler (because it survives Mailman upgrades). See the FAQ at

The handler itself would be extremely simple, e.g. just the following
two lines.

def process(mlist, msg, msgdata):
    del msg['newsgroups']

This removes the header in the pipeline before the message is delivered
to the list.

Another possibility is to delete the header in Mailman's cron/gate_news
before the message is queued in Mailman. This would require adding the

                del msg['newsgroups']

just before the lines

                # Post the message to the locked list
                inq = get_switchboard(mm_cfg.INQUEUE_DIR)

in cron/gate_news. This change is simpler than implementing the custom
handler, but it requires re-applying the change following any Mailman

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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