[Mailman-Users] Mailman 3 setup

David dave at fiteyes.com
Sat May 5 01:26:22 CEST 2012

It looks like you are running Ubuntu 12.04. Correct? I'm trying to install
Mailman 3.0 beta 1 on Ubuntu 12.04. I'm also trying to install Postorius.
Maybe my notes can be of help to you.

 Florian's got a nice " 5 minute guide to get the Mailman web UI running"
> which can be found here: http://wiki.list.org/x/PwDL  I recommend you
> take a look at that!

I took a look at that guide and it did not help me much. A big difference
was that I'm working with the downloadable tarballs instead of with bazaar.

These are all my notes on Mailman 3.0 beta 1 setup on Ubuntu 12.04. I don't
have the Web UI (Postorious) installed yet. These notes are a work in
progress. I hesitate to post them because they are not a final solution. If
I finish getting Mailman 3.0 running before I give up, I'll share my final
solution too. If someone else gets a final solution, please let me know.

I also came across this useful tutorial:
Python Ecosystem - An Introduction
http://wiki.list.org/display/DEV/mailman3+in+virtualenv (looks old?)

On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 12:54 AM, Barry Warsaw <barry at list.org> wrote:

    On May 03, 2012, at 09:20 PM, David wrote:

    >... I need a good tutorial on setting up the development environment,

    For me, it depends on whether you want to develop mm3 or install it.

I want to install and run it and play with it like a user. I'm not a python
developer (at least not yet, and not sure if I'll ever get that far).

    Barry wrote: If instead you want to run Mailman 3, I recommend using
virtualenv and skipping buildout.

OK. Thanks for the advice.

I'll detail my steps in case it helps someone else. (I also have a few
questions mixed in below.) Here's what I did:

First set up a new Linode with Ubuntu 12.04
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade

which gcc
which python
/usr/bin/python --versions
curl ifconfig.me/ip

create DNS records
A record for mailman3.example.com
MX record for mailman3 mailman3 level 10

ssh into Ubuntu server
sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev python-virtualenv
cd /opt/
tar -xf mailman-3.0.0b1.tar.gz
mkdir mailman3_venv
# virtualenv /opt/mailman3_venv/
(New python executable in /opt/mailman3_venv/bin/python)

    Barry wrote: I do recommend creating an etc/mailman.cfg to customize
various aspects of Mailman before you start.  Take a look at
src/mailman/config/schema.cfg and .../mailman.cfg for the default settings.

# nano /etc/mailman.cfg

sudo apt-get install postfix openssl-blacklist ssl-cert

# nano /etc/postfix/main.cf

***************** QUESTION *********************
Are the following paths correct???
transport_maps =
local_recipient_maps =


After modifying main.cf, be sure to run '/etc/init.d/postfix reload'.
root at localhost:/etc/postfix# /etc/init.d/postfix reload
 * Reloading Postfix
configuration...                                                       [ OK

# source /opt/mailman3_venv/bin/activate
python setup.py install
    Finished processing dependencies for mailman==3.0.0b1

    Barry wrote: Now you can run `mailman info` to get some basic
information about how your
    system is configured,

(mailman3_venv)root at localhost:/opt/mailman-3.0.0b1# mailman info
GNU Mailman 3.0.0b1 (The Twilight Zone)
Python 2.7.3 (default, Apr 20 2012, 22:39:59)
[GCC 4.6.3]
config file: /etc/mailman.cfg
db url: sqlite:////opt/mailman-3.0.0b1/var/data/mailman.db
REST root url: http://mailman3.example.com:80/3.0/
REST credentials: yyyyyyyyyyyy:xxxxxxxxxxxxx

    `mailman start` to start the system, etc.

(mailman3_venv)root at localhost:/opt/mailman-3.0.0b1# mailman start
Starting Mailman's master runner


Next Question:
*** A tutorial for setting up Postorius? ***

Following this guide:
I did these steps:

wget http://www.djangoproject.com/download/1.4/tarball/ -O Django-1.4.tar.gz
tar xzvf Django-1.4.tar.gz

Question: could I have instead used
# apt-get install python-django python-django-social-auth

tar xf postorius-1.0.0a.tar.gz

source /opt/mailman3_venv/bin/activate
/opt/mailman-3.0.0b1# mailman start

cd Django-1.4
sudo python setup.py install

# cd postorius/
sudo python setup.py develop

Question: How do I test that these steps have worked so far?

Next, the guide (

    Start the development server
    $ cd dev_setup
    $ python manage.py syncdb
    $ python manage.py runserver

    The last command will start the dev server on http://localhost:8000

I don't have a dev_setup directory. Also, I want to start the Web GUI on
port 80 for public access via apache.

> The following page is empty:
> How to get Postorius running on Apache and mod_wsgi

  Richard wrote: Postorius is just a Django-based website that communicates
with MM3. To deploy it, find, and follow, the directions which apply to any
website powered by Django. However, I should warn you that Postorius is not
as far along in its development as is the core parts that handle mail. In
fact, at this time, there are so many things missing that you will be
disappointed if you attempt to make the interface publicly visible.

Next Question:
*** what are the first tests I should perform after starting mailman? ***

  Barry wrote: Try creating a mailing list from the command line:
   $ mailman create -d test at mailman3.example.com.com

  Barry wrote: Subscribe some addresses to mylist.  Edit a file with a list
of email addresses and names using one of these formats, one entry per line:
   anne at example.com (Anne Person)
   Bart Person <bart at example.com>

  Barry wrote: then run:
   $ mailman members -a filename.txt test at mailman3.example.com.com

  Barry wrote: Now start up Mailman, your MTA

Question: What is the method for generating aliases for Postfix in Mailman

I've already done: # apt-get install postfix openssl-blacklist ssl-cert

  Barry wrote: ...and send a message to test at mailman3.example.com.com.  All
the members you just added should get a copy.  Check your MTA logs and
Mailman's own logs for details or problems.

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