[Mailman-Users] Message posting and re-enabling membership

Mark Sapiro mark at msapiro.net
Fri Sep 21 03:34:04 CEST 2012

Futchko, Rose wrote:
>1. I have a user that is not receiving the POST successful message. The
>user submits a post and it is held to be released. The message is
>released by the moderator and it goes out to all members successfully.
>They received an email saying that either the message would be
>distributed after approval by the monitor or that they would receive an
>email saying why it was not. However, the poster did not receive a
>confirmation that the message was successfully released or denied.

The intent of the message the user sees when their post is held is that
the post will be accepted in which case the user receives the list
post and knows it was approved, or the post will be rejected in which
case the user receives the rejection. It does not take into account
the case where the moderator discards the post or the user doesn't
receive the post because she is not a list member or is a
gmail/googlemail user (see <http://wiki.list.org/x/AgA3>) or has set
the option not to receive their own posts.

>2. Regarding excessive bounces. I have a member of a list who was
>disabled due to excessive bounces. They received the following email
>(with items changed to protect identity):
>A. When they click on the above link they are getting the error:
>Bad confirmation string
>Invalid confirmation string: 0c56cb666666dad6c66666cb1f1dc1a11a0e666b1.
>Note that confirmation strings expire approximately 3 days after the
>initial subscription request. If your confirmation has expired, please
>try to re-submit your subscription. Otherwise, re-enter your
>confirmation string.

So, was the confirmation expired or already confirmed or what?

Is the user's delivery currently enabled or not?

>                   The mail system
><name-of-list-request at list.informs.org>: host
>    cluster4.us.messagelabs.com[] said: 550-Invalid
>    <name-of-list-request at list.informs.org> (#5.1.1) (in reply to
>    RCPT TO command)

The address <name-of-list-request at list.informs.org> should be
deliverable. There is a missing alias or other MTA issue if it is not.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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