[META-SIG] Terminating comatose SIGs

Paul Prescod papresco@technologist.com
Wed, 17 Dec 1997 02:14:50 -0500

Greg Stein (Exchange) wrote:
> Regardless, I'd appreciate an extension :-). Let's say it's dead on May
> 1 unless significant progress is occurring. That gives us four months to
> do something.

It may make sense to grant this exception. But it may make more sense to
have a more general process for re-invigorating a dead sig when work
starts up again. Bringing a sig "back to life" is probably as easy as
moving its reference from a page of "dead sigs" to a page of "live sigs"
and and adding the mail aliases back to python.org. The archive can
continue and the participant list could be the same.

 Paul Prescod

META-SIG  - SIG on Python.Org SIGs and Mailing Lists

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