[Moin-user] artificial page rank inflation, was: MoinMoin and Google's PageRank (long)

Michael P. Soulier msoulier at digitaltorque.ca
Fri Dec 17 15:03:01 EST 2004

On 17/12/04 Maciej Blizinski said:

> That's my story. I'd like to hear from you, if anybody tried such
> techniques and maybe has some more tips for PageRank optimization in
> MoinMoin wiki.

As I understand it, links from the same domain don't count. If they did,
it would be too easy to artificially inflate one's page ranking in this

The point is to find sites that others are linking to. Make a good site
that is valuable on that topic, and links will come. I don't plan to
help any attempts to beat the system. It'll just piss me off when I'm
searching for good sites and get bad results.


Michael P. Soulier <msoulier at digitaltorque.ca>
http://opag.ca      python -c 'import this'
Jabber: msoulier at digitaltorque.ca
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