[Moin-user] Rights

Bernd Holzum holzum1 at netcologne.de
Thu Feb 21 15:43:37 EST 2008


although having read relevant stuff, I still do not completely get the whole
concept of interaction between rights given in wikiconfig.py, group rights
(where are groups defined?), acl rights in pages.

Ok, but my aim is quite simple anyway, I think.

I would like to grant every right to the users except 

a) the right to delete pages
b) the right to upload stuff (pictures, music, programs etc.)

These rights a) and b) should be granted only to the administrator (who has
one single account, let's say "JohnMiller").

No need for ACL's on single pages.

Some advice would be appreciated. Not much more than two or three lines in
wikiconfig.py, I presume.

Bernd Holzum, Cologne (Germany)

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