[Moin-user] Rights

Rick Vanderveer rick.vanderveer at gmail.com
Thu Feb 21 15:58:33 EST 2008

This is easy, you basically just need to add this in your wikiconfig.pyfile:

acl_rights_before = u"JohnMiller:read,write,delete,revert,admin"
acl_rights_default = u"All:read,write,revert"

...where JohnMiller is the admin and "all" is everyone else.  You don't need
to specify 'all', as it is a built-in catch-all group representing anyone
who is on the wiki.

See this page for more help:


On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 2:43 PM, Bernd Holzum <holzum1 at netcologne.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> although having read relevant stuff, I still do not completely get the
> whole
> concept of interaction between rights given in wikiconfig.py, group rights
> (where are groups defined?), acl rights in pages.
> Ok, but my aim is quite simple anyway, I think.
> I would like to grant every right to the users except
> a) the right to delete pages
> b) the right to upload stuff (pictures, music, programs etc.)
> These rights a) and b) should be granted only to the administrator (who
> has
> one single account, let's say "JohnMiller").
> No need for ACL's on single pages.
> Some advice would be appreciated. Not much more than two or three lines in
> wikiconfig.py, I presume.
> Thanks
> Bernd Holzum, Cologne (Germany)
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