[Moin-user] Cleancache bombs

Peter Olsen pcolsen at gmail.com
Wed Aug 10 20:05:03 EDT 2011

I think I followed the suggestion for part b) for running the  
cleancache command, but it still doesn't run.  I'm running it from the  
parent director to the MoinMoin directory and I've added several  
likely-looking directories to the PYTHONPATH.  Probably I am making a  
simple error, but I can't figure it out.

Is there another way to clean the cache --- perhaps via a shell script.


On Aug 10, 2011, at 8:00 AM, Thomas Waldmann wrote:

> On Mon, 2011-08-08 at 18:09 -0400, Peter Olsen wrote:
>> I explicitly set the config director, but cleancache still bombs
>> n2ell:bin pcolsen$ ./moin
>> -config-dir=/Volumes/OLSEN_PERS3/Wiki/moin-1.8.4 maint cleancache
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>  File "./moin", line 5, in <module>
>>    from MoinMoin.script.moin import run
>> ImportError: No module named MoinMoin.script.moin
>> n2ell:bin pcolsen$ ls /Volumes/OLSEN_PERS3/Wiki/moin-1.8.4/ 
>> wikiconfig.py
>> /Volumes/OLSEN_PERS3/Wiki/moin-1.8.4/wikiconfig.py
>> n2ell:bin pcolsen$
> I see 2 issues there:
> a) it is --config-dir (2 times minus char)
> b) you have an ImportError, that means moin script does not find the
> MoinMoin python code
> This should usually work if you are working from the directory that
> contains the MoinMoin directory. alternatively you can fix the
> PYTHONPATH / sys.path in the moin script.

n2ell:moin-1.8.4 pcolsen$ echo $PYTHONPATH
n2ell:moin-1.8.4 pcolsen$ pwd
n2ell:moin-1.8.4 pcolsen$ ls
MANIFEST.in             jabberbot                wikiconfig.pyc
MoinMoin                   lib                          wikiserver.py
PKG-INFO                 moin.spec               wikiserver.py alias
README                   setup.cfg                wikiserver.py~
backup.sh                  setup.py                 wikiserverconfig.py
bin                             share                      
build                          wiki                         
contrib                       wikiconfig.app          wikistart.sh
docs                          wikiconfig.py
n2ell:moin-1.8.4 pcolsen$ ./bin/moin maint cleancache
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "./bin/moin", line 5, in <module>
     from MoinMoin.script.moin import run
ImportError: No module named MoinMoin.script.moin
n2ell:moin-1.8.4 pcolsen$
n2ell:moin-1.8.4 pcolsen$
n2ell:moin-1.8.4 pcolsen$ ls bin
n2ell:moin-1.8.4 pcolsen$

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