[Neuroimaging] Developers and Post-Doc positions at the MNI

JB Poline jbpoline at gmail.com
Sun Jun 17 13:07:52 EDT 2018

The Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) is working to become the first
institution to develop and implement an institutional open science framework
with the Tanenbaum Open Science Initiative. We hope open science will help
trigger a paradigm shift in how we do science in academia.

Over time, the MNI has developed platforms for data dissemination, pipeline
executions (cf the MNI atlases, the LORIS and CBRAIN projects), becoming a
vibrant neuroimaging community. Recently, the Canadian Open Neuroscience
Platform  and NeuroHub -the neuroinformatics platform for the Healthy
Brains for Healthy Lives program at McGill- are two large initiatives
aiming at building the next generation of research platforms.

The MNI is looking for post-doctoral fellows and developers who are
interested in neuroinformatics and/or running neuroimaging and neuroscience
data analyses to develop reproducible and collaborative data management and
processing platforms, leveraging projects such as DataLad and ReproNim.

If you know either neuroimaging, genomics, or know scientific computing or
databasing, and like to develop in python, or javascript, etc, and if you
are interested in constructing a platform to make science more
reproducible, interoperable, efficient, open, reusable,  please contact
us.  We are a vibrant, diverse, innovative and welcoming scientific
community  and wish to make progress in the understanding, diagnosis or
treatment of brain diseases.

You can send expression of interest and CV to jbpoline at gmail.com and
samirdas99 at gmail.com, we are at OHBM in Singapore and would be happy to
meet with you there or in Montreal.
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