[Numpy-discussion] viewing Gridded or Polar data?

Scott Ransom ransom at spock.physics.mcgill.ca
Thu Jan 17 08:01:14 EST 2002

Hi Joe,

There are C and Python wrappers around the very nice PGPLOT library that do
exactly what you want (and a whole lot more).  You can find them here:


The files you need are:

ppgplot-0.11.tar.gz (the C wrappers)
Pgplot.py           (the Python wrappers around the C wrappers)

Lots of additional information about the capabilities of PGPLOT can be found
at its web page:  http://www.astro.caltech.edu/~tjp/pgplot/

With my current setup, you can do a lot of plotting (except 3D stuff) in a
manner that is very much like IDL (a single function call with lots of
optional keyword arguments).

I haven't modified it in quite awhile, but still use it in my own work
almost every day.

As for reading netCDF, I would recommend Konrad Hinsen's Scientific Python:


Good luck,


On Thu, Jan 17, 2002 at 07:46:52AM -0700, Joe Van Andel wrote:
> Can anyone recommend a visualization package that would display arrays
> of numbers by mapping values to a set of colors?  That is, we define 32
> colors, where the first color represents values 0-10, the second color
> represents 10-20, etc, and then each input value gets displayed as its
> corresponding color.
> I'd like to read netCDF files, if possible.
> Thanks much!
> -- 
> Joe VanAndel  	          
> National Center for Atmospheric Research
> http://www.atd.ucar.edu/~vanandel/
> Internet: vanandel at ucar.edu
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Scott M. Ransom              Address:  McGill Univ. Physics Dept.
Phone:  (514) 398-6492                 3600 University St., Rm 338
email:  ransom at physics.mcgill.ca       Montreal, QC  Canada H3A 2T8 
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