[Numpy-discussion] new mingw-w64 based numpy and scipy wheel (still experimental)
Sturla Molden
sturla.molden at gmail.com
Mon Feb 9 16:22:20 EST 2015
Two quick comments:
- You need MSYS or Cygwin to build OpenBLAS. MSYS has uname and perl. Carl
probably used MSYS.
- BLAS and LAPACK are Fortran libs, hence there are no header files. NumPy
and SciPy include their own cblas headers.
Olivier Grisel <olivier.grisel at ensta.org> wrote:
> Hi Carl,
> Could you please provide some details on how you used your
> mingw-static toolchain to build OpenBLAS, numpy & scipy? I would like
> to replicate but apparently the default Makefile in the openblas
> projects expects unix commands such as `uname` and `perl` that are not
> part of your archive. Did you compile those utilities from source or
> did you use another distribution of mingw with additional tools such
> as MSYS?
> For numpy and scipy, besides applying your patches, did you configure
> anything in site.cfg? I understand that you put the libopenblas.dll in
> the numpy/core folder but where do you put the BLAS / LAPACK header
> files?
> I would like to help automating that build in some CI environment
> (with either Windows or Linux + wine) but I am affraid that I am not
> familiar enough with the windows build of numpy & scipy to get it
> working all by myself.
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