[portland] Reminder: Meeting tomorrow! 7pm!

jason kirtland jek at discorporate.us
Tue Sep 9 01:14:30 CEST 2008

Hi all,

Just a reminder that we're meeting tomorrow at 7pm!  It's going to be a 
great meeting- Brett will be showing us how to package up modules and 
contribute them to the Cheeseshop, and Leo (visiting us from Santiago, 
Chile) will be talking to us about Django and Jython- a great secret 
weapon to shoehorn Python into Java projects.  ;)

And if you're downtown today 5ish, stop in at Bailey's Taproom for a 
casual get together to welcome Leo and the Vidoop transplants to Portland.


jason kirtland wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Our September Python meeting is next week and we have a great meeting in 
> store, including a special guest speaker!
> First up, our own Brett will be show us how to produce Python eggs and 
> publish them to the Python Package Index (aka the Cheeseshop).
> Then Leo Soto, a Jython GSoC hacker, will be presenting his DjangoCon 
> 2008 talk "Django on Jython".  In Leo's own words:
> "Django is the most popular Python web framework, and have managed to go 
> through the hard steps of making a high quality 1.0 release. The Jython 
> project has awaken on the last years after a dark period, and is in the 
> road of its 2.5 release. This scenario presents the cool opportunity of 
> exploring the use of a modern Python web framework on top of the Java 
> infrastructure.
> I will talk on how to use Django under Jython, the common pitfalls on 
> this setup, and start some discussion about what can take the Python 
> (and Django) community from the JVM, and what advantages Django 
> development on top of Jython propose for Java projects."
> Also we'll get some news from DjangoCon (this weekend, 9/6 and 9/7), 
> have some chats, surprise door prizes and maybe more- stay tuned!  And 
> after we'll head to either the Green Dragon patio or Produce Row.
> - Tuesday, September 9th 7PM at CubeSpace
> - Maps, RSVP, etc.: http://python.meetup.com/183/
> Some pre-meeting links:
> Brett & Eggs:
>   brett at rdnzl.net
>   http://docs.python.org/lib/module-distutils.html
>   http://pypi.python.org/pypi
> Leo & Django on Jython:
>   http://blog.leosoto.com/
>   http://www.djangoproject.com/
>   http://www.jython.org/Project/
> See you there!
> Cheers,
> Jason
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