[pypy-dev] Does PyPy supports Java ME?

Antonio Cuni anto.cuni at gmail.com
Wed Oct 7 11:59:43 CEST 2009

Hi Jan,

Jan Wedel wrote:

> 1.) Does PyPy generate both C and Java Bytecode for the Interpreter out 
> of the box or with low effort?


> 2.) Is the java code compatible with Java ME or is it possible to modify 
> the PyPy-code/Interpreter-code so that Java ME is supported? 

I don't know what are the requirements/restrictions for Java ME.  If the 
restrictions are only about the library, it's possible that it works out of 
the box as pypy-jvm doesn't use many external libraries. However, note that 
you might have memory problems because the binary it's kind of big (the JAR 
file is ~8-10 MB, IIRC).

> 3.) What standard libraries are supported? I coulnd't find a list. 
> Especially the communication (such as socket) functionality is 
> important.

unfortunately, you cannot access any external java library from pypy-jvm so 
far.  I agree that it makes it a bit pointless, but basically nobody ever 
cared enough/had time to add support for it.

I plan to do it at some point, but surely not before I finish my PhD (which is 
supposed to finish at the end of next april).

> 4.) Do you think PyPy is stable enough for commercial use? The MIT 
> license allows commercial use as far as I read.

The Python interpreter in PyPy is quite stable and compliant with CPython. 
However, the resulting pypy-jvm has never been extensively tested as far as I 
know, so it's likely to have undiscovered bugs (but usually they are easy to fix).

So, to sum up: I'm sorry but pypy-jvm is not usable for production right now; 
it could be made useful with relatively low effort if someone invested time 
and/or money on it, but I don't think it's going to happen very soon.


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