[Python-africa] News, News and more News

Nsukami_ ndkpatt at gmail.com
Wed Apr 13 17:36:22 EDT 2016

On 4/10/16, Aisha Bello <aishabello2050 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Pythonistas,
Hello pythonista,

> It's been really quiet here and I have searched high and low all over my
> mail box for Python-Africa digests. Where are the pythonistas in Africa :(
Concerning Senegal, I can say that, there isn't a real Python
community here, so there won't be lots of news coming from this part
of the continent, not for now at least :\

> Okay I have news but not that many. Hopefully this will prompt most of you
> to share any Python related news happening in our various communities.
Interesting, until now, I'm not really sure about what kind of
informations can we share here? News? Projects? Jobs? Questions?

> So reporting all the way from Nigeria is the launch of PyLadies Nigeria on
> Saturday the 16th. PyLadies Nigeria was born out of the necessity to give
> an avenue for learning continuity for DjangoGirls Lagos attendees who
> wanted to continue learning together. Amongst other things we plan to have
> regular meetups at least twice a month where we all collaborate and learn
> together various python related topics including Robotics, Data Science,
> web development e.t.c..... ref: http://www.meetup.com/pyladiesnigeria/

> On PyCon ZA, I am super excited that the CFP is finally out and I am hoping
> we at least have 50% of other Python communities in different parts of
> Africa represented at PyConZA.....
I do hope too.

> Wishing everyone a great week ahead.......
Thanks a lot.


Nsukami _
GPG Public Key: 9F71504C

Sent from my black Laptop.

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