[Python-checkins] python/nondist/peps pep-0326.txt,1.4,1.5

goodger at users.sourceforge.net goodger at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Feb 23 21:47:56 EST 2004

Update of /cvsroot/python/python/nondist/peps
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv26739

Modified Files:
Log Message:
update from Josiah Carlson

Index: pep-0326.txt
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/nondist/peps/pep-0326.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -C2 -d -r1.4 -r1.5
*** pep-0326.txt	1 Feb 2004 19:40:14 -0000	1.4
--- pep-0326.txt	24 Feb 2004 02:47:53 -0000	1.5
*** 5,14 ****
  Author: Josiah Carlson <jcarlson at uci.edu>,
          Terry Reedy <tjreedy at udel.edu>
! Status: Draft
  Type: Standards Track
  Content-Type: text/x-rst
  Created: 20-Dec-2003
  Python-Version: 2.4
! Post-History: 20-Dec-2003, 03-Jan-2004, 05-Jan-2004, 07-Jan-2004
--- 5,26 ----
  Author: Josiah Carlson <jcarlson at uci.edu>,
          Terry Reedy <tjreedy at udel.edu>
! Status: Rejected
  Type: Standards Track
  Content-Type: text/x-rst
  Created: 20-Dec-2003
  Python-Version: 2.4
! Post-History: 20-Dec-2003, 03-Jan-2004, 05-Jan-2004, 07-Jan-2004,
!               21-Feb-2004
! Results
! =======
! This PEP has been rejected by the BDFL [12]_.  As per the
! pseudo-sunset clause [13]_, PEP 326 is being updated one last time
! with the latest suggestions, code modifications, etc., and includes a
! link to a module [14]_ that implements the behavior described in the
! PEP.  Users who desire the behavior listed in this PEP are encouraged
! to use the module for the reasons listed in
! `Independent Implementations?`_.
*** 68,72 ****
          OverflowError: long int too large to convert to float
! - These same drawbacks exist when numbers are small.
  Introducing ``Max`` and ``Min`` that work as described above does not
--- 80,84 ----
          OverflowError: long int too large to convert to float
! - These same drawbacks exist when numbers are negative.
  Introducing ``Max`` and ``Min`` that work as described above does not
*** 88,142 ****
! Take for example, finding the minimum in a sequence::
!     def findmin_Num(seq):
!         BIG = 0
!         cur = BIG
!         for obj in seq:
!             if cur == BIG:
!                 cur = obj
!                 BIG = max(cur, BIG) + 1
!             else:
!                 cur = min(cur, obj)
!         return cur
! ::
!     def findmin_None(seq):
!         cur = None
!         for obj in seq:
!             if obj < cur or (cur is None):
!                 cur = obj
!                 if cur is None:
!                     return cur
!         return cur
! ::
!     def findmin_Max(seq):
!         cur = Max
!         for obj in seq:
!             cur = min(obj, cur)
!         return cur
! Please note that there are an arbitrarily large number of ways to find
! the minimum (or maximum) of a sequence, these seek to show a simple
! example where using ``Max`` makes the algorithm easier to understand
! and results in the simplification of code.
! Guido brought up the idea of just negating everything and comparing
! [2]_.  Certainly this does work when using numbers, but it does not
! remove the special case (actually adds one) and results in the code
! being less readable. ::
!     #we have Max available
!     a = min(a, b)
!     #we don't have Max available
!     if a is not None:
!         if b is None:
!             a = b
!         else:
!             a = -max(-a, -b)
  As another example, in Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm on a graph
--- 100,120 ----
! When testing various kinds of servers, it is sometimes necessary to
! only serve a certain number of clients before exiting, which results
! in code like the following::
!     count = 5
!     def counts(stop):
!         i = 0
!         while i < stop:
!             yield i
!             i += 1
!     for client_number in counts(count):
!         handle_one_client()
! When using ``Max`` as the value assigned to count, our testing server
! becomes a production server with minimal effort.
  As another example, in Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm on a graph
*** 157,217 ****
     pointers to find the reverse of the path to be taken.
! To be complete, below are two versions of the algorithm, one using a
! table (a bit more understandable) and one using a heap (much faster)::
      def DijkstraSP_table(graph, S, T):
!         #runs in O(N^2) time using a table
!         #find the shortest path
!         table = {}
          for node in graph.iterkeys():
              #(visited, distance, node, parent)
!             table[node] = (0, Max, node, None)
!         table[S] = (0, 0, S, None)
!         cur = min(table.values())
!         while (not cur[0]) and cur[1] < Max:
              (visited, distance, node, parent) = cur
!             table[node] = (1, distance, node, parent)
!             for cdist, child in graph[node]:
!                 ndist = distance+cdist
!                 if not table[child][0] and ndist < table[child][1]:
!                     table[child] = (0, ndist, child, node)
!             cur = min(table.values())
!         #backtrace through results
          if not table[T][0]:
              return None
!         cur = T
!         path = [T]
!         while table[cur][3] is not None:
!             path.append(table[cur][3])
!             cur = path[-1]
!         path.reverse()
!         return path
! ::
!     def DijkstraSP_heap(graph, S, T):
!         #runs in O(NlgN) time using a minheap
!         #find the shortest path
!         import heapq
!         Q = [(Max, i, None) for i in graph.iterkeys()]
!         heapq.heappush(Q, (0, S, None))
!         V = {}
!         while Q[0][0] < Max and T not in V:
!             dist, node, parent = heapq.heappop(Q)
!             if node in V:
!                 continue
!             V[node] = (dist, parent)
!             for next, dest in graph[node]:
!                 heapq.heappush(Q, (next+dist, dest, node))
!         #backtrace through results
!         if T not in V:
!             return None
!         cur = T
!         path = [T]
!         while V[cur][1] is not None:
!             path.append(V[cur][1])
!             cur = path[-1]
!         path.reverse()
!         return path
  Readers should note that replacing ``Max`` in the above code with an
--- 135,170 ----
     pointers to find the reverse of the path to be taken.
! .. _DijkstraSP_table:
! Below is an example of Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm on a graph
! with weighted edges using a table (a faster version that uses a heap
! is available, but this version is offered due to its similarity to the
! description above, the heap version is available via older versions of
! this document through CVS [10]_). ::
      def DijkstraSP_table(graph, S, T):
!         table = {}                                                 #3
          for node in graph.iterkeys():
              #(visited, distance, node, parent)
!             table[node] = (0, Max, node, None)                     #1
!         table[S] = (0, 0, S, None)                                 #2
!         cur = min(table.values())                                  #4a
!         while (not cur[0]) and cur[1] < Max:                       #4
              (visited, distance, node, parent) = cur
!             table[node] = (1, distance, node, parent)              #4b
!             for cdist, child in graph[node]:                       #4c
!                 ndist = distance+cdist                             #|
!                 if not table[child][0] and ndist < table[child][1]:#|
!                     table[child] = (0, ndist, child, node)         #|_
!             cur = min(table.values())                              #4a
          if not table[T][0]:
              return None
!         cur = T                                                    #5
!         path = [T]                                                 #|
!         while table[cur][3] is not None:                           #|
!             path.append(table[cur][3])                             #|
!             cur = path[-1]                                         #|
!         path.reverse()                                             #|
!         return path                                                #|_
  Readers should note that replacing ``Max`` in the above code with an
*** 223,226 ****
--- 176,252 ----
  potential problems with numeric overflows.
+ .. _DijkstraSP_table_node:
+ Gustavo Niemeyer [9]_ points out that using a more Pythonic data
+ structure than tuples, to store information about node distances,
+ increases readability.  Two equivalent node structures (one using
+ ``None``, the other using ``Max``) and their use in a suitably
+ modified Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm is given below. ::
+     class SuperNode:
+         def __init__(self, node, parent, distance, visited):
+             self.node = node
+             self.parent = parent
+             self.distance = distance
+             self.visited = visited
+     class MaxNode(SuperNode):
+         def __init__(self, node, parent=None, distance=Max,
+                      visited=False):
+             SuperNode.__init__(self, node, parent, distance, visited)
+         def __cmp__(self, other):
+             return cmp((self.visited, self.distance),
+                        (other.visited, other.distance))
+     class NoneNode(SuperNode):
+         def __init__(self, node, parent=None, distance=None,
+                      visited=False):
+             SuperNode.__init__(self, node, parent, distance, visited)
+         def __cmp__(self, other):
+             pair = ((self.visited, self.distance),
+                     (other.visited, other.distance))
+             if None in (self.distance, other.distance):
+                 return -cmp(*pair)
+             return cmp(*pair)
+     def DijkstraSP_table_node(graph, S, T, Node):
+         table = {}                                                 #3
+         for node in graph.iterkeys():
+             table[node] = Node(node)                               #1
+         table[S] = Node(S, distance=0)                             #2
+         cur = min(table.values())                                  #4a
+         sentinel = Node(None).distance
+         while not cur.visited and cur.distance != sentinel:        #4
+             cur.visited = True                                     #4b
+             for cdist, child in graph[node]:                       #4c
+                 ndist = distance+cdist                             #|
+                 if not table[child].visited and\                   #|
+                    ndist < table[child].distance:                  #|
+                     table[child].distance = ndist                  #|_
+             cur = min(table.values())                              #4a
+         if not table[T].visited:
+             return None
+         cur = T                                                    #5
+         path = [T]                                                 #|
+         while table[cur].parent is not None:                       #|
+             path.append(table[cur].parent)                         #|
+             cur = path[-1]                                         #|
+         path.reverse()                                             #|
+         return path                                                #|_
+ In the above, passing in either NoneNode or MaxNode would be
+ sufficient to use either ``None`` or ``Max`` for the node distance
+ 'infinity'.  Note the additional special case required for ``None``
+ being used as a sentinel in NoneNode in the __cmp__ method.
+ This example highlights the special case handling where ``None`` is
+ used as a sentinel value for maximum values "in the wild", even though
+ None itself compares smaller than any other object in the standard
+ distribution.
+ As an aside, it is not clear to to the author that using Nodes as a
+ replacement for tuples has increased readability significantly, if at
+ all.
  A ``Min`` Example
*** 242,272 ****
      and ``B``.
! Such an algorithm is a 7 line modification to the DijkstraSP_table
! algorithm given above::
!     #only showing the changed to lines with the proper indentation
!             table[node] = (0, Min, node, None)
!         table[S] = (0, 1, S, None)
!         cur = max(table.values())
!         while (not cur[0]) and cur[1] > Min:
!                 ndist = distance*cdist
!                 if not table[child][0] and ndist > table[child][1]:
!             cur = max(table.values())
! Or a 6 line modification to the DijkstraSP_heap algorithm given above
! (if we assume that ``maxheapq`` exists and does what it is supposed
! to)::
!     #only showing the changed to lines with the proper indentation
!         import maxheapq
!         Q = [(Min, i, None) for i in graph.iterkeys()]
!         maxheapq.heappush(Q, (1, S, None))
!         while Q[0][0] > Min and T not in V:
!             dist, node, parent = maxheapq.heappop(Q)
!                 maxheapq.heappush(Q, (next*dist, dest, node))
! Note that there is an equivalent way of translating the graph to
! produce something that can be passed unchanged into the original
! Dijkstra shortest path algorithm.
--- 268,304 ----
      and ``B``.
! Such an algorithm is a 7 line modification to the `DijkstraSP_table`_
! algorithm given above (modified lines prefixed with `*`)::
!     def DijkstraSP_table(graph, S, T):
!         table = {}                                                 #3
!         for node in graph.iterkeys():
!             #(visited, distance, node, parent)
!     *       table[node] = (0, Min, node, None)                     #1
!     *   table[S] = (0, 1, S, None)                                 #2
!     *   cur = max(table.values())                                  #4a
!     *   while (not cur[0]) and cur[1] > Min:                       #4
!             (visited, distance, node, parent) = cur
!             table[node] = (1, distance, node, parent)              #4b
!             for cdist, child in graph[node]:                       #4c
!     *           ndist = distance*cdist                             #|
!     *           if not table[child][0] and ndist > table[child][1]:#|
!                     table[child] = (0, ndist, child, node)         #|_
!     *       cur = max(table.values())                              #4a
!         if not table[T][0]:
!             return None
!         cur = T                                                    #5
!         path = [T]                                                 #|
!         while table[cur][3] is not None:                           #|
!             path.append(table[cur][3])                             #|
!             cur = path[-1]                                         #|
!         path.reverse()                                             #|
!         return path                                                #|_
! Note that there is a way of translating the graph to so that it can be
! passed unchanged into the original `DijkstraSP_table`_ algorithm.
! There also exists a handful of easy methods for constructing Node
! objects that would work with `DijkstraSP_table_node`_.  Such
! translations are left as an exercise to the reader.
*** 334,337 ****
--- 366,380 ----
+ It has been pointed out [9]_ that the reference implementation given
+ below would be incompatible with independent implementations of
+ ``Max``/``Min``.  The point of this PEP is for the introduction of
+ "The One True Implementation" of "The One True Maximum" and "The One
+ True Minimum".  User-based implementations of ``Max`` and ``Min``
+ objects would thusly be discouraged, and use of "The One True
+ Implementation" would obviously be encouraged.  Ambiguous behavior
+ resulting from mixing users' implementations of ``Max`` and ``Min``
+ with "The One True Implementation" should be easy to discover through
+ variable and/or source code introspection.
  Reference Implementation
*** 378,390 ****
! Current options for the naming and namespace for ``Min``/``Max``, in
! no particular order:
! 1. Give the built-in ``max`` and ``min`` appropriate ``__cmp__``
!    methods to allow them to double as ``Min``/``Max``.
! 2. Attach them to attributes of the ``cmp()`` built-in.
! 3. Attach them to attributes of an appropriate type object.
! 4. Make them an appropriate module object.
! 5. Create two new built-ins with appropriate names.
--- 421,432 ----
! As the PEP was rejected, all open issues are now closed and
! inconsequential.  The module will use the names ``UniversalMaximum``
! and ``UniversalMinimum`` due to the fact that it would be very
! difficult to mistake what each does.  For those who require a shorter
! name, renaming the singletons during import is suggested::
!     from extremes import UniversalMaximum as uMax,
!                          UniversalMinimum as uMin
*** 417,420 ****
--- 459,484 ----
+ .. [9] [Python-Dev] Re: PEP 326 now online, Niemeyer, Gustavo
+    (http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2004-January/042261.html);
+    [Python-Dev] Re: PEP 326 now online, Carlson, Josiah
+    (http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2004-January/042272.html)
+ .. [10] PEP-0326 CVS, Carlson, Josiah
+    (http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/python/python/nondist/peps/pep-0326.txt)
+ .. [11] [Python-Dev] PEP 326 (quick location possibility), Carlson, Josiah
+    (http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2004-January/042275.html)
+ .. [12] [Python-Dev] PEP 326 (quick location possibility), van Rossum, Guido
+    (http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2004-January/042306.html)
+ .. [13] [Python-Dev] PEP 326 (quick location possibility), Carlson, Josiah
+    (http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2004-January/042300.html)
+ .. [14] Recommended standard implementation of PEP 326, extremes.py,
+    Carlson, Josiah
+    (http://www.ics.uci.edu/~jcarlson/pep326/extremes.py)
*** 426,431 ****
  - Changed markup to reStructuredText.
- - Concept gets a possible name and location. [5]_
  - Clarified Abstract_, Motivation_, `Reference Implementation`_ and
    `Open Issues`_ based on the simultaneous concepts of ``Max`` and
--- 490,493 ----
*** 437,442 ****
  - Added an example of use for ``Min`` to Motivation_.
- - Added some `Open Issues`_ and clarified some others.
  - Added an example and `Other Examples`_ subheading.
--- 499,502 ----
*** 447,450 ****
--- 507,517 ----
    of this PEP.
+ - Replaced an example from `Max Examples`_, changed an example in
+   `A Min Example`_.
+ - Added some `References`_.
+ - BDFL rejects [12]_ PEP 326

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