[Python-Dev] RFD: how to build strings from lots of slices?
Tim Peters
Sun, 27 Feb 2000 18:19:52 -0500
[/F, upon the reinvention of substring descriptors]
> ...
> a) bad memory behaviour if you slice small strings out
> of huge input strings -- which may surprise newbies.
Experts too. Dragon has gobs of code that copies little strings via loops
in Java and C++, because Java's and MFC's descriptor-based string classes
routinely keep a megabyte string alive after you've sliced out the 3 bytes
<0.5 wink> you needed. Last year my group finally wrote its own string
classes, to just copy the damn things. Performance improvement was
significant (both space & time).
Boehm's "cords"/"ropes" (he's the primary author of both pkgs JC mentioned)
were specifically designed to support efficient random & repeated editing of
giant mutable strings -- agree with Guido that it's overall major loss for
pedestrian uses. Heck, why not implement strings as giant B-trees like the
Tcl text widget does <wink>.
> b) harder to interface to underlying C libraries -- the
> current string implementation guarantees that a Python
> string is also a C string (with a trailing null).
c) For apps that use oodles of short strings, the space overhead of
maintaining descriptors exceeds that of making copies. A buddy in Sun's
Java development group tells me Java is despised for this by Major Players
in the DB world; so don't be surprised if Java eventually drops the
descriptor idea too (or, more Java-like, introduces 5 new flavors of strings
<0.7 wink>).
So there's no pure win here. Python's current scheme is at least
predictable, and by everyone, with finite effort. Agree you have a
particular good but limited use it for it, though, and Greg's suggestion of
using buffer objects under the covers is almost certainly "the right" idea.