[Python-Dev] [Pydotorg] Should we help pythonmac.org?

Steve Holden steve at holdenweb.com
Tue Aug 19 03:45:12 CEST 2008

Bill Janssen wrote:
>> I strongly recommend that we *NOT* make macports.org the main,
>> official Mac OS X version of Python. Secondary is fine, but not
>> primary. Macports is what the name says: it's a system of Mac ports of
>> Linux packages, mostly command-line only.
> I agree with David about this.
>> The official Mac Python should be an OS X application, with an icon,
>> living in /Applications, ideally with a Mac-standard editor app  (the
>> 2.5.1 I have has IDLE), etc.
> No, probably not.  Frankly, I think the official Mac Python should be
> (and is) /usr/bin/python, the version that Apple ships with the
> system.  I always try to make my stuff work with that Python, instead
> of installing a different version, which in my experience usually
> leads to grief somewhere down the road.
I've certainly heard many tales of Mac users coming to grief because 
they decided to overwrite their system Python, or tried to be clever and 
run multiple interpreters (which is usually somewhat less disastrous).

I guess this underlines the fact that Apple don't really want the hoi 
polloi tinkering with their systems; it's somewhat tedious when code is 
released for later Python versions and you have to privately backport, 
though, isn't it?

There have been hints dropped that if the 2.6 release hits its deadline 
it will be incorporated into vendor builds. Let's hope one of them is 
MacOS, then at least it'll be relatively up to date.

Steve Holden        +1 571 484 6266   +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC              http://www.holdenweb.com/

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