[Python-Dev] Update to Python Documentation Website Request

David Lyon david.lyon at preisshare.net
Sun Jul 26 06:32:55 CEST 2009

On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 11:42:13 +0200, "Martin v. Löwis" <martin at v.loewis.de>
>> It's my intention to get a Package Manager included in standard
>> python - yes.
> In addition to the other constraints you'll have to meet for this
> to happen, you also have to wait a rather long time (several years)
> before inclusion becomes possible. This time is necessary for the
> community to accept your tool, and evaluate it. Ideally, the request
> for inclusion should not come from you, but from your users.

Yes. But users have been asking for a tool and complaining loudly
about the lack of such a tool. I know you're an extremely competent
and those emails you perphaps floss over. But the pleas are many and
when we compare python to other languages, python rates towards at the
low end of the spectrum its third party-package management facilities.

You can't seriously expect users to wait for years for an integrated
package management tool. Especially on Windows - that's cruel :-)

To date, there just hasn't been any movement on the building of
such a tool due to whatever reasons.

A Package Manager isn't a frivolous "nice-to-have" tool. It's
essential for a new user.

(if you want I can sift the last twelve months worth of ML
 archives and report on how many times easier package management
 has been asked for. And how difficult people are finding it)

> No. It implies that any addition could only depend on Python (and
> OS API) - so things *can* be added. For example, setuptools could
> be added by this principle. OTOH, if your tool depends on setuptools,
> you'll have to wait for setuptools to get included before inclusion
> of your tool can be considered.

Let's get precise. It doesn't "depend" on setuptools. But it will
install setuptools if the user requests to use setuptools/easy_install.

So we should only be back to the lack of a TK interface and the fact that
the Package Manager Project is a new project, and needs to be working
properly on more platforms.

Thanks for your email. I appreciate the feedback, from everyone.

Take care.


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