[Python-Dev] 2.7 Release? 2.7 == last of the 2.x line?

Glyph Lefkowitz glyph at twistedmatrix.com
Wed Nov 4 06:20:18 CET 2009

On Nov 3, 2009, at 5:16 PM, Paul Moore wrote:
> 2009/11/3 Brett Cannon <brett at python.org>:
>> I'm afraid there is some FUD going around here, which is
>> understandable since no one wants to burn a ton of time on something
>> that will be difficult or take a lot of time. But I have not heard
>> anyone in this email thread (or anywhere for that matter) say that
>> they tried a port in earnest and it turned out to be difficult.

> FWIW, I did a quick survey of some packages (a sampling of packages
> I've used or considered using in the past):
> Twisted - no plans yet for Python 3

Speaking of FUD, we've had a plan for Python 3 support for some time:


Not only that, but progress is actually being made on that plan, as it  
is being slowly executed by contributors from the community, a  
sampling of which you can see on these tickets, linked from the bottom  
of the "master plan" ticket I mentioned above (#2484):


If you're interested in helping, our core team has all not had much  
time for Twisted lately and we need volunteers who are interested in  
doing code reviews and becoming a committer to help shepherd these  
tickets through the process.

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